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    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    This research aims to identify grammatical errors made by the students of the English Literature department of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and to describe the process of the occurrence of grammatical errors. This research is a descriptive study that uses a qualitative method. The data are the writin...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    Reports show that Filipino students have deteriorating communication skills in the English language. To verify these, it is significant to investigate their communicative competence. Thus, this study was conducted. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1) What are the commo...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    Translation is a much more complicated task than it really seems. It is a work in which nuances, knowledge, culture, and the transmission of science are important. The aim is to study the translation errors made by the students of the Translation - 2 course at the University of Al al-Bayt in order to ...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    This study was aimed to investigate the kinds of grammatical errors made by English Foreign language learners in presenting storytelling. Since the students were learners who came from a multilingual community, the errors they made were affected by the structure of their daily language form. In th...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    This research attempts to identify the grammatical errors produced by students of English Department of UISU year 2018 in their final paper of writing class. In particular, it attempts to classify the errors based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy proposed by Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982). The data use...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    In the countries like Pakistan where English language is taught and learnt as second language, the students at elementary level commit errors due to large number of reasons. Keeping in view this regional and cultural context, the current study is evocative and was conducted to investigate and expl...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    This research aims to elaborate the kinds of grammatical errors and to disclose the factors that made the students do those kinds of grammatical errors. The data were collected from proposals written by the seventh semester students of English Department, Faculty of Letter, Hasanuddin University. T...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    This study aimed to find out (1) Grammatical errors in recount text made by the English Department students of the second and the sixth semester of Cokroaminoto University of Palopo, (2) the frequent grammatical errors made by the second and the sixth semester students of English depart...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    This study is based on the errors that take place during the transformation of active voice into passive voice by Turkish students in the Department of French Language Teaching at Dokuz Eylül University in Turkey. The research corpus consists of 50 written expressions from a final assignment of the gr...
    • Peer reviewed
    • Academic Journal
    Abstract: The current study aims to identify and investigate writing grammatical errors in the written exams, which are written by students of English at the University of M’hamed Bougara, Boumerdes. The researchers used a mixed-methods approach. This approach is both descriptive/qualitative an...